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Franz X. Stirnimann Fuentes is a published author and editor of a number of publications related to international arbitration, WTO, international business, intellectual property and competition law. The publications are in English, Spanish or German. He also is a regular speaker before professional and academic audiences in Switzerland, Europe, the USA, and Latin America.


  • "Urheberkartellrecht. Kartellrechtliche Kontrolle von urheberrechtlichen Märkten in der Schweiz" (Interface between copyright and antitrust law. Antitrust control of copyright markets in Switzerland), Schweizer Schriften zum Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag, Volume 228 (364 pages, Peter Forstmoser, ed.), Zurich 2004 (author)

  • "WTO Litigation, Investment and Commercial Arbitration", Kluwer International Law, Global Trade Law Series Vol. 43 (440 pages, Jorge Huerta Goldman, Antoine Romanetti & Franz Stirnimann, eds.), The Netherlands 2013 (editor)

Book Chapters

  • "Investment Arbitration", in: Arbitration in Switzerland, The Practitioner’s Guide (Wolters Kluwer, Manuel Arroyo ed., 1st and 2nd ed.), The Netherlands 2013 and 2018 (with Noradèle Radjai)

  • "Revision of Awards", in: Arbitration in Switzerland, The Practitioner’s Guide (Wolters Kluwer, Manuel Arroyo ed., 1st and 2nd ed.), The Netherlands 2013 and 2018

  • "Articles 13 and 69-74 of the WIPO Arbitration Rules", in: Arbitration in Switzerland, The Practitioner’s Guide (Wolters Kluwer, Manuel Arroyo ed., 2nd ed.), The Netherlands 2018

  • "Cross-Fertilization and Reciprocal Opportunities: An Overview", WTO Litigation, Investment and Commercial Arbitration (Kluwer International Law, Global Trade Law Series Vol. 43, Jorge Huerta Goldman, Antoine Romanetti & Franz Stirnimann eds.), The Netherlands 2013 (with Jorge Huerta Goldman and Antoine Romanetti) 

  • "El derecho a la prueba – retos y problemas desde un enfoque europeo y comparado" (Evidence in internacional arbitration – comparative thoughts from a European perspective), El arbitraje comercial internacional en Europa (International comercial arbitration in Europe), Biblioteca de arbitraje del Estudio Mario Castillo Freyre. Palestra Editores (Jorge Luis Collantes & Anne-Carole Cremades ed.), Lima 2013 (with Carolina Romero Acevedo)

  • "La 'clausula fork in the road' y el arbitraje de inversión" (Fork in the road clauses and investment arbitration), Arbitraje – Panorama actual del Arbitraje. Biblioteca de arbitraje del Estudio Mario Castillo Freyre. Palestra Editores, Volúmen 13, Lima 2011

  • "Antisuit Injunctions – Medidas anti-procedimiento", Ponencias del Cuarto Congreso Internacional de Arbitraje 2010, Biblioteca de arbitraje del Estudio Mario Castillo Freyre. Palestra Editores, Lima 2011

  • "Forma de la prueba" (Forms of evidence), Ponencias del Tercero Congreso Internacional de Arbitraje 2009, Biblioteca de arbitraje del Estudio Mario Castillo Freyre. Palestra Editores, Lima 2010


  • “Given its neutrality and political stability, Switzerland is well-placed to host international commercial courts” in Leaders League (9 March 2023) - Article

  • "El soft law en el arbitraje internacional. Problemas, debates y el aporte de análisis económico” (Soft law in international arbitration. Problems, debates and the input of economic analysis of law), Arbitraje. Revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversiones, Vol. XIII, 2021(1) (with Patricio Grané Riera)

  • "Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Know-how: Switzerland", Global Arbitration Review (GAR) online, 2019-2020, 2018-2019 and 2016-2017, with Jean Marguerat, Tomas Blakemore and James Reardon

  • "Switzerland – A Favorable Seat of Arbitration for Foreign Antitrust Claims", Commercial Arbitration Expert Guides 2019, 2016 (with Jean Marguerat and Jeremy Bloomenthal)

  • "El arbitraje de inversión y los litigios ante la OMC" (Investment arbitration and disputes before the WTO), Lawyerpress, 19 May 2015 issue (with Manuel Gimenez Rasero & Antoine Romanetti)

  • "Standard clause, Switzerland: ad hoc arbitration clause", Practical Law Company Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, New York 2019, 2017, 2015 and 2012 (with Laurence Burger and Tomas Navarro Blakemore)

  • "Enforcing arbitral awards in Switzerland", Practical Law Company and Dispute Resolution, New York 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014 and 2012 (with Laurence Burger and Tomas Navarro Blakemore)

  • "Investment Treaty Arbitration Know-how: Switzerland", Global Arbitration Review (GAR) online, 2013 (with Ricardo Ugarte and Dolores Bentolila)

  • "Pharmaceuticals: a new frontier in investment treaty arbitration", Global Arbitration Review (GAR), Volume 8, Issue 5, 2013 (with Ricardo Ugarte and Dolores Bentolila)

  • "Renuncia al derecho de impugnar un laudo. Estudio práctico sobre la experiencia suiza: el Artículo 192 de la Ley de Derecho Internacional Privado (LDIP)" (Waiver of set-aside applications. Practical study of the Swiss experience: Article 192 of the Swiss Private International Law Act), Lima Arbitration 1/2011 (with Domitille Baizeau)

  • "Drafting arbitration agreements – Switzerland", Comparative Smart Charts (Kluwer Law International Practice Tools online, Audley Sheppard ed.), The Hague/London 2010 (with Domitille Baizeau)

  • "El Perú a la cabeza del arbitraje internacional en Latinoamérica" (Peru at the helm of international arbitration in Latin America), Jurídica (suplemento de análisis legal de El Peruano) 15 September 2009 issue (with Elena Sevila Sánchez)

  • "IT-/Info-Flaschenhälse und Kartellrecht" (IT-bottlenecks and antitrust law), Swiss Intellectual Property, Information and Competition Law Review 2/2007 (with Rolf H. Weber)

  • Chapter "Switzerland", The International Comparative & Legal Guide to Product Liability 2007 and 2006 (Global Legal Group, eds.), London 2007 (with Marc S. Palay)

  • "Die Verhandlung von US-amerikanischen Vertriebsverträgen" (Negotiation of US distribution agreements), OSEC-Bulletin 2004 (with Danish Hamid)

  • Book review of "Immaterialgüterrecht in der Wettbewerbsordnung" (Intellectual property law and competition policy) by Prof. Andreas Heinemann, Swiss Intellectual Property, Information and Competition Law Review 6/2003

  • Book review of "Schweizerisches Kartellrecht" (Commentary on Swiss Antitrust Law) by Prof. Roger Zäch, Swiss Intellectual Property, Information and Competition Law Review 1/2000

  • "Aktionsplan zur Förderung des elektronischen Geschäftsverkehrs in der Schweiz" (Action plan for the promotion of E-commerce in Switzerland), Swiss Intellectual Property, Information and Competition Law Review 6/1998

  • "Venture Capital in Spain", European Corporate Lawyer 7/1997 (with José-María Beneyto)

Speaking 2020-present

  • “Investment Arbitration", lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne/Switzerland, Lucerne/Switzerland, November 2023

  • "Módulo 8. Preparación de Comunicaciones Escritas y del Laudo Arbitral” (Module 8. Preparation of written submissions and arbitral award), lecture at the Diplomado en línea Arbitraje Comercial Internacional, ITESO Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara, Guadalajara/Mexico, November 2023

  • “Constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal, Terms of Reference, timetable and procedural issues (Module 2 – How to Commence Arbitration Proceedings)”, lecture at Module 2 (“How to Commence Arbitration Proceedings”) of the  Swiss Arbitration Academy, with Jean Marguerat, Geneva/Switzerland, November 2023

  • “Introduction and Primer on International Arbitration”, presentation at BDO Fachtagung Recht, Zurich/Switzerland, September 2023

  • “Normativa y tipos de pruebas en el Arbitraje Internacional” (Legal framework and types of evidnece in international Arbitration), lecture in the course “Los 360° del Arbitraje Internacional” (the 360° of International Arbitration), Modulo VI, organized by Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, Bogotá/Colombia, September 2023

  • “La importancia de un case management efectivo. Tendendias desde la prespectiva del árbitro” (The importance of an effective case management. Trends from the perspective of an arbitrator), panel contribution at XI Siimposio Internacional de Arbitraje organized by Centro de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio de Lima, Lima/Peru, June 2023

  • “Sedes de Arbitraje Amigables: Ginebra, París y Nueva York” (Arbitration friendly seats of Arbitration: Geneva, Paris and New York), panel presentation at conference organized by Iteso, Universidad Jesuita de Gualajara, February 2023

  • “Propuestas de reforma del arbitraje de inversiones de UNCITRAL. ¿Son adecuadas o van demasiado lejos?” (Proposals for reformo of investment Arbitration by UNCITRAL Are they appropriate or do they go too far?), panel presentation at conference organzed by Swiss and German/Austrian chapters of CEA (Club de Arbitraje Español), Geneva/Switzerland, January 2023

  • “Investment Arbitration", lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne/Switzerland, Lucerne/Switzerland, November 2022

  • “Constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal, Terms of Reference, timetable and procedural issues (Module 2 – How to Commence Arbitration Proceedings)”, lecture at Module 2 (“How to Commence Arbitration Proceedings”) of the  Swiss Arbitration Academy, with Jean Marguerat, Geneva/Switzerland, November 2022

  • "Módulo 8. Preparación de Comunicaciones Escritas y del Laudo Arbitral” (Module 8. Preparation of written submissions and arbitral award), lecture at the Diplomado en línea Arbitraje Comercial Internacional, ITESO Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara, Guadalajara/Mexico, November 2022

  • "Principios Unidroit, Arbitraje en Arrendamientos y Concursos de Acreedores: Avances en solución" (Unidroit Principles, Arbitration in Leases and Insolvency Proceedings: Advances in Settlement), panel presentation at webinar organized by Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid and ICC Costa Rica, Costa Rica, February 2022, watch

  • "Módulo 8. Preparación de Comunicaciones Escritas y del Laudo Arbitral” (Module 8. Preparation of written submissions and arbitral award), lecture at the Diplomado en línea Arbitraje Comercial Internacional, ITESO Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara, Guadalajara/Mexico, November 2021

  • "Investment Arbitration", lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne/Switzerland, Lucerne/Switzerland, November 2021

  • “Flexibilidad y automatismos en el proceso arbitral – Buscando la máxima eficiencia” (Flexibility and Automatisms in the Arbitration Procedure – Searching for Maximum Efficiency”), panel presentation at Arbitration Live Webinar, Lima/Peru, July 2021

  • “Arbitraje comercial internacional, Blockchain y las Reglas de la IBA sobre la Obtención de Pruebas en materia tecnológica” (International Commercial Arbitration, Blockchain and the IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in technical matters), panel presentation in a webinar organized by CCB – Centro de Arbitraje y Conciliación de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, Bogota/Colombia, July 2021

  • “Examination of Fact Witnesses”, lecture and teaching at the Foundation for International Arbitration Advocacy Workshop, Geneva/Switzerland, June 2021

  • “El Tamaño de la Firma: Full Service vs. Boutiques: ¿Está la Pandemia del COVID-19 inclinando la balanza de la práctica arbitral hacia las firmas pequeñas?” (The size of a firm: full service vs. boutiques: Is the Pandemic COVID-19 shifting the balance of professional practice in arbitration towards small firms?), panel presentation at webinar oranized by Comité de Arbitraje Jalisco de ICC Mexico, Jalisco/Mexico, April 2021

  • "Módulo 8. Preparación de Comunicaciones Escritas y del Laudo Arbitral” (Modul 8. Preparation of written submissions and arbitral award), lecture at the Diplomado en línea Arbitraje Comercial Internacional, ITESO Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara, Guadalajara/Mexico, February 2021

  • "Investment Arbitration", lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne/Switzerland, Lucerne/Switzerland, December 2020

  • "It Ain’t Over Til It’s Over – When the award is not the end of the arbitration", panel presentation at conference/webinar organized by Florida International University Law School and Miami International Arbitration Society, Miami/USA, November 2020

  • "Tema 6: Prácticas arbitrales internacionales: Comentario a instrumentos relevantes de soft law: Directrices de la International Bar Association (IBA), guías de otras instituciones reconocidas (CNUDMI, CCI, ICCA)" (Subject-matter 6: International arbitration practices: commentaries on relevant instruments of soft law: guidelines of the International Bar Association (IBA), guidelines of other recognized institutions (UNCITRAL, ICC, ICCA)", lecture at the Diplomado en Arbitraje Doméstico e Internacional, ESAN School of Business y Camara de Comercio de Lima, Lima/Peru, August 2020

  • "International Discovery: Obtaining Evidence in Foreign Countries", panel presentation at ABA Continuing Legal Education Webinar (CE2006FSID) moderated by Prof. Kiran Gore, June 2020

Speaking 2015-2019

  • "Investment Arbitration", lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne/Switzerland, Lucerne/Switzerland, December 2019

  • "Experience with Local Arbitration Institutions in Latin America – the Perspective of the User (Counsel and Arbitrator), panel presentation at the Launch Event of Latin American Arbitration Practitioners (LATAP), Geneva/Switzerland, November 2019

  • "Ejecución de laudo / Inmunidades del Estado " (Enforcement of awards / State immunity), lecture at Diplomado en arbitraje doméstico e internacional, Universidad del Pacífico/Centro de arbitraje de la AMCHAM-Peru, Lima/Peru, November 2019

  • “The Role of the Arbitral Tribunal in Assessing the Quantum and Expert Evidence”, panel presentation at the Conference of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce “Monetary Aspects of the International Arbitration: Rumors and Realities”, Istanbul, September 2019

  • "Making the environment great again: New frontiers for International Arbitration and state courts", panel presentation at the 57th Annual Congress of AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers), "Sustainability and the Law: Planet. People. Future", Rome, September 2019

  • "El arbitraje obligatorio en controversias estatales? Ventajas y desventajas, revisión de experiencias comparadas" (Compulsory Arbitration in State-related disputes? Advantages and disadvantages, review of comparative experiences), panel presentation at III. Congreso de Arbitraje Nacional e Internacional: Ética y Competitividad en la era digital, organized by Centro de Arbitraje y Conciliación, Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, Bogotá/Columbia, March 2019, watch

  • "Investment Arbitration", lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne/Switzerland, Lucerne/Switzerland, December 2018

  • "Ethics – The Loopholes and Creation of a Global Procedural Framework", panel presentation at Center for International Legal Studies (CILS), X. International Arbitration Symposium, Salzburg, June 2018

  • "Arbitros e instituciones arbitrales. Deberes y obligaciones desde el punto de vista del arbitraje internacional. Responsabilidad. Análisis práctico" (arbitrators and arbitral institutions. Duties and obligations from an international arbitration perspectives. Responsibilities. Practical analysis), panel presentation at the IV. Open de Arbitraje 2018, Madrid, May 2018, watch

  • "Procedural tools in aid of arbitration: Swiss/American perspectives", panel presentation at colloquium of the Institute of International Economic Law and the International Law Institute at Georgetown University Law Centre, Washington, D.C./USA, March 2018 

  • "Confidentiality in arbitration at the age of emails and cloud computing", panel presentation at conference of Club de Arbitraje Español (CEA), Belgian Chapter, Brussels/Belgium, February 2018 

  • "Investment Arbitration", lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne/Switzerland, Lucerne/Switzerland, December 2017

  • "The Swiss Army Knife in International Disputes – Legal and Procedural Tools Available in Switzerland and under Swiss Law", panel presentation at The International Arbitration Club of New York, New York/USA, November 2017

  • "Técnica de redacción de laudos" (Techniques for drafting international arbitration awards), panel presentation at conference of Club de Arbitraje Español (CEA), Italian Chapter, the European Arbitration Association (EAA) and the Associazione Italiana per l'Arbitrato (AIA), Naples/Italy, October 2017

  • "La ley aplicable al arbitraje" and "Medidas cautelares y ejecución de laudos" (The applicable law in arbitration and provisional measures and execution of awards), lecture at Diplomado en Arbitraje Doméstico e Internacional, Universidad del Pacífico/Centro de Arbitraje de la AMCHAM-Peru, Lima/Peru, October 2017

  • "The Impact of Regulatory Changes on Private Investment & Finance Disputes in the PRC (Investment & Finance)", panel moderator at 2017 Zurich Summit on Commercial Dispute Resolution in China, Zurich/Switzerland, June 2017

  • "Where is arbitration heading? Recent rulings on liability of arbitrators and adverse inferences", panel presentation at conference of Club Español de Arbitraje (CEA), Dutch Chapter, Rotterdam/The Netherlands, June 2017

  • "Impact of investment arbitration and international trade law on local and international environmental law", panel presentation at Annual Conference on European law 2017 organized by the Academy of European Law, Trier/Germany, March 2017 

  • "Las demandas por devolución de ganancias ilícitas ('disgorgement of profit claims') bajo un examen de derecho comparativo" (Disgorgement of profit claims in a comparative law analysis), panel presentation at X Conferencia Internacional de Arbitraje, Quito/Ecuador, March 2017

  • "Investment Arbitration", lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne/Switzerland, Lucerne/Switzerland, December 2016

  • "El Arbitraje "Swiss Made" - ¿Por qué no probarlo?" (Arbitration "Swiss made" – Why not try it?), panel presentation at road show organized by ASA, ICC, CAM, CANACO, Barra Mexicana, etc., Mexico City/Mexico, November 2016

  • "Medidas cautelares y ejecución de laudos" (Provisional measures and execution of awards), lecture at Diplomado en arbitraje doméstico e internacional, Universidad del Pacífico/Centro de arbitraje de la AMCHAM-Peru, Lima/Peru, October 2016

  • "Acta de Misión" (Terms of Reference), lecture at Workshop "Tramitación de un procedimiento arbitral institucional" organized by CIMA Corte Civil y Mercantil de Arbitraje and Law Department of Universidad Complutense, Madrid/Spain, July 2016

  • "Soft law e Prova Oral" (Soft law and witness evidence), panel presentation at XII Conferência de Arbitragem Internacional de Rio de Janeiro, "Soft law na Arbitragem Internacional", Rio de Janeiro/Brazil May 2016

  • "La práctica de los escritos testimoniales en el arbitraje internacional" (The practice of written witness statements in international arbitration), panel presentation at 2° Foro Internacional de Arbitraje ICC de Santo Domingo: "Técnicas para la conducción y gestión de arbitrajes", Santo Domingo/Dominican Republic April 2016

  • "¿Se respeta realmente la calidad intuito personae de los árbitros? El caso de los secretarios administrativos" (Respect of the principle of intuitu personae in arbitration? The case of arbitral secretaries), panel presentation at "VII. Congreso de Arbitraje Internacional – Costa Rica, San Jose/ Costa Rica February 2016

  • "Investment Arbitration", lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne/Switzerland, Lucerne/Switzerland, December 2015

  • "Streiterledigung im Unternehmen – Best Practices und Strategien" (Dispute resolution in the corporation – best practices and strategies), panel presentation at conference of Association of Swiss In-house Counsel (Vereinigung Schweizerischer Unternehmensjuristen, VSUJ), Zurich/Switzerland, November 2015

  • "Medidas cautelares y ejecución de laudos" (Provisional measures and execution of awards), lecture at Diplomado en arbitraje doméstico e internacional, Universidad del Pacífico/Centro de arbitraje de la AMCHAM-Peru, Lima/Peru, October 2015

  • "Porque el arbitraje suizo?" (Why Swiss arbitration?), panel presentation at road show organized by Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA) and Cámara de Comercio Colombo Suiza, Bogotá/Colombia, October 2015

  • "Confidencialidad y transparencia en el arbitraje. Nuevas fronteras" (Confidentiality and transparency in arbitration. New frontiers), panel presentation at IV Simposio Internacional de Arbitraje organized by Cámara de Comercio de Lima and Universidad del Pacífico, Lima/Peru, October 2015

  • "Sanciones comerciales internacionales y su solución en un arbitraje internacional" (International trade sanctions and their resolution in an international arbitration), lecture at Centro Internacional de Arbitraje, Mediación y Negociación (CIAMEN), Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid, September 2015

  • "Sanciones comerciales en el arbitraje internacional" (Trade sanctions in international arbitration), chair (with Giulio Palermo), conference of Club Español de Arbitraje (CEA), Swiss, Italian, French and Polish/Ukrainian Chapter, Geneva/Switzerland, July 2015

  • "Investment Arbitration and WTO Litigation at Crossroads", chair (with Manuel Gimenez Rasero, Fernando Pierola & Antoine Romanetti), "Madrid Arbitration Day II", ICADE/CEA-40, Madrid/Spain, May 2015

  • "Eficiencia en arbitraje: mito y realidad" (Efficiency in arbitration: myth and reality), chair (with Manuel Arroyo & Martin Molina), conference of Club Español de Arbitraje (CEA), Swiss, German and Austrian Chapter, Zurich/Switzerland, May 2015

Speaking 2010-2014

  • "Los árbitros y la jurisprudencia estatal" (Arbitrators and case law of state courts), panel presentation at Club Español de Arbitraje (CEA) III Encuentro Capítulos Internacionales del CEA, Buenos Aires/Argentina, November 2014 

  • "El arbitraje internacional y la corrupción" (International arbitration and corruption), panel presentation at conference of Lima Cámara de Comercio Centro de Arbitraje, Lima/Peru, October 2014

  • "Medidas cautelares y ejecución de laudos" (Provisional measures and execution of awards), lecture at Diplomado en arbitraje doméstico e internacional, Universidad del Pacífico/Centro de arbitraje de la AMCHAM-Peru, Lima/Peru, October 2014

  • "Particularidades del arbitraje de construcción – perspectivas comparadas" (Particularities of construction arbitration – comparative perspectives), chair, videoconference of Club Español de Arbitraje (CEA), Swiss, Peruvian, Costa Rican, and England chapters, Madrid/Spain, Geneva/Switzerland, Lima/Peru, San Jose/Costa Rica, London/UK, September 2014

  • "Resolving International IP-related Disputes: What Is the Role for Investment Treaty Arbitration?", panel presentation at ABA Section of International Law Spring Meeting, New York/USA, April 2014

  • "How to control ethics of counsel in international arbitration – solutions to a multi-cultural and jurisdictional problem", lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Lausanne/Switzerland, March 2014

  • "Corruption in International Arbitration", chair (with Jean Marguerat & Jaime Gallego), conference of CEA-40/ASAbelow40, Saint Nicolas la Chappelle/Switzerland, March 2014

  • "La cláusula de arbitraje, competence-competence y procesos paralelos" (The arbitration clause, kompetenz-kompetenz and parallel proceedings), lecture at Posgrado en Derecho de las Inversiones Internacionales y Arbitraje, Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona (ICAB), Barcelona/Spain, November 2013

  • "WTO litigation, Investment Arbitration and Commercial Arbitration", conference chair (with Jorge Huerta Goldman & Antoine Romanetti) at WTO Appellate Body Secretariat's Speakers Series, Geneva/Switzerland, October 2013

  • "Medidas cautelares y ejecución de laudos" (Provisional measures and execution of awards), lecture at Diplomado en arbitraje doméstico e internacional, Universidad del Pacífico/Centro de arbitraje de la AMCHAM-Peru, Lima/Peru, October 2013

  • "Primera mesa redonda. Las buenas prácticas en la fase preliminar del arbitraje" (First panel: good practices in the preliminary phase of an arbitration), panel presentation at VIII. Congreso Internacional 2013 del Club Español de Arbitraje, “Las buenas prácticas arbitrales. Un compromiso de todos”, Madrid/Spain, June 2013

  • "El sistema arbitral CIADI II: El procedimiento arbitral tras la presentación de la demanda, el derecho aplicable a la controversia y el laudo arbitral CIADI" (The ICSID arbitration system II: the procedure after the submission of the statement of claim, the applicable law and the ICSID award), lecture at Posgrado en Derecho de las Inversiones Internacionales y Arbitraje, Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona (ICAB), Barcelona/Spain, June 2013

  • "Americanización del arbitraje? Armonización de las normas del common law y del civil law?" (Americanization of international arbitration? Harmonization of common and civil law rules?), panel chair, “Encuentro Jóvenes Arbitros”, VII. Congreso Latinoamericano de Arbitraje”, Lima/Peru, April 2013

  • "Procedimiento ante los órganos de la OMC - arbitraje de inversión ante el CIADI: vistas cruzadas y puntos comparativos," (Litigation before WTO bodies – investment arbitration before ICSID: points of difference and comparison), conference chair, videoconference of Club Español de Arbitraje (CEA), Madrid/Spain, Geneva/Switzerland, Washington, DC/USA, April 2013

  • "El Arbitraje en el mundo hispano-hablante" (Arbitration in the Spanish-speaking world), panel presentation at conference organized by Club Español del Arbitraje (CEA), German/Austrian chapter, Vienna/Austria, March 2013

  • "Panel I. Acta de Misión" (Panel I. Terms of Reference), panel presentation at Encuentro ICC-YAF, IV Congreso Internacional de Arbitraje Internacional, San José/Costa Rica, February 2013

  • "La ejecución de los laudos arbitrales" (The enforcement of arbitral awards), lecture at Diplomado en arbitraje doméstico e internacional, Comisión Interamericana de Arbitraje Comercial (CIAC) and Centro de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio de Lima, Lima/Peru, December 2012

  • "La ejecución del laudo. Una preocupación del árbitro, de la institución arbitral o de ambos?" (The enforcement of the award. The concern of the arbitrator, the institution or both?), panel presentation at II. Encuentro de Capítulos Internacionales del Club Español de Arbitraje 2012 “Como lograr las expectativas de las partes en el arbitraje?”, Evento CEA-40, Mexico City/Mexico, November 2012

  • "Independencia e Imparcialidad" (Independence and impartiality), lecture at Diplomado en arbitraje doméstico e internacional, Universidad del Pacífico/Centro de arbitraje de la AMCHAM-Peru, Lima/Peru, October 2012

  • "The Taboos in International Arbitration", chair (with Jean Marguerat & Anne-Carole Cremades), conference chair at joint CEA-40/ASA below 40 workshop, La Lecherette/Switzerland, October 2012

  • "La reciente racha de nuevos reglamentos y reglas de arbitraje – resultado de armonización y evolución ó síntoma de “comodificación” del arbitraje?" (The recent wave of new arbitration rules and guidelines a result of harmonization and evolution or a symptom of a commoditization of arbitration?), panel presentation at IV. Conferencia Latinomericana de arbitraje (CLA), Medellín/Colombia, June 2012

  • "The Protections Afforded to Investors by Bilateral Investment Treaties", speech at Association of International Business Lawyers (AIBL), Geneva/Switzerland, April 2012

  • "La prueba en el arbitraje internacional" (Evidence in international arbitration), lecture at Diplomado en arbitraje doméstico e internacional, Universidad del Pacífico/Centro de Arbitraje de la Cámara de Comercio de Lima, Lima/Peru, November 2011

  • "El Reglamento de Arbitraje UNCITRAL revisado en 2010 y su incidencia en Iberoamérica" (The Revised 2010 UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and their effect in Latin America), panel presentation at videoconference organized by Club Español de Arbitraje (CEA) and Corte Civil y Mercantil de Arbitraje, Madrid/Spain, Caracas/Venezuela, Geneva/Switzerland, September 2011

  • "El Perú como sede de arbitrajes internacionales" (Peru as seat of international arbitrations), panel presentation at V. Congreso Internacional de Arbitraje, Universidad Católica, Lima/Peru, September 2011

  • "La ética del abogado de parte en el arbitraje internacional" (Counsel ethics in international arbitration), panel presentation at V. Congreso Internacional de Arbitraje, Universidad Católica, Lima/Peru, September 2011, watch

  • "Valuación y determinación del quantum" (Valuation and determination of quantum claims), moderator in Below-40 Program, III. Conferencia Latinomericana de Arbitraje (CLA), Asunción, Paraguay, June 2011

  • "WTO Litigation, Investment and Commercial Arbitration, Cross-fertilization and Reciprocal Opportunities", co-organiser (with Jorge Huerta Goldman & Antoine Romanetti), WTO Headquarters, Geneva, May 2011

  • "Counsel Ethics in Arbitration", panel presentation at Vienna Arbitration Days, March 2011

  • "El arbitraje en Latinoamerica – las pruebas en el arbitraje internacional" (Arbitration in Latin America – evidence in international arbitration), interview together with Franz Kundmüller by Pedro Jedlicka Zapata, Centro de Investigación para la Resolución de Controversias (CIERC), October 2010, AMCHAM Peru, Lima/Peru, watch

  • "La extensión de la cláusula arbitral a terceros" (Extension of the arbitration clause to third Parties), lecture at Diplomado en arbitraje doméstico e internacional, Universidad del Pacífico/Centro de arbitraje de la AMCHAM-Peru, Lima/Peru, October 2010

  • "Anti-suit injunctions – medidas anti-procedimiento", panel presentation at IV. Congreso Internacional de Arbitraje, Universidad Católica, Lima/Peru, September 2010

Speaking 2001-2009

  • "La ley aplicable. Lex Mercatoria" (Aplicable law. Lex Mercatoria), lecture at Diplomado en arbitraje doméstico e internacional, Universidad del Pacífico/Centro de arbitraje de la AMCHAM-Peru, Lima/Peru, November 2009

  • "Practical Concerns in International Arbitration", panel presentation in Joint Conference of CEA-40 and ICC Young Arbitrators Forum, IBA 2009 Congress, Madrid/Spain, October 2009

  • "Arbitraje comercial internacional" (International comercial arbitration), lecture at Escuela Diplomática, Quito, Ecuador, September 2009

  • “La prueba en el arbitraje internacional” (Evidence in international arbitration), panel presentation at III. Congreso Internacional de Arbitraje, Universidad Católica, Lima/Peru, September 2009

  • "Los tratados de inversión de países europeos" (Investment protection treaties of European countries), panel presentation at at III. Congreso Internacional de Arbitraje, Universidad Católica, Lima/Peru, September 2009

  • "Arbitraje de inversión y propiedad intelectual" (Investment arbitation and intelectual property), panel presentation at Foro de arbitraje en materia de inversión (FAMI), “El arbitraje en materia de inversión en un mundo cambiante”, Mexico Distrito Federal/Mexico, September 2009, watch

  • "Annulment proceedings – a comparison between Switzerland and the UK", panel presentation at conference of ASA below 40, "Challenge of Awards – Dos and Don’ts", Geneva/Switzerland, Mai 2009

  • "Arbitraje internacional – perspectivas para Colombia" (International arbitration – perspectives for Colombia), presentation at workshop of Suramericana de Seguros/Grupo Empresarial Antioqueño, Medellín/Colombia, December 2008

  • "Cláusulas 'Fork in the Road' y arbitraje" (Fork in the road clauses and arbitration), panel presentation at III. Congreso Internacional de Medios Alternativos ("Arbitraje en Materia de Inversiones: El fenómeno panameño y perspectivas en Latinoamérica"), Panama City/Panama, November 2008

  • "A arbitrabilidade do direito estrangeiro da concorrência - um estudo de direito comparado" (Arbitrability of foreign antitrust law – a comparative law analysis), lecture at the Faculty of Law, Universidade federal regional de Blumenau (FURB), Blumenau/Brazil, October 2008

  • "Arbitragem internacional" (International arbitration), speech at Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Santa Catarina (FIESC), Florianopolis/Brazil, October 2008

  • "Propiedade intelectual e o direito da concorrência" (Intellectual property and antitrust law), speech at Siqueira Castro Advogados, Seminario "Temas Atuais de Propiedade Intelectual", Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, October 2008

  • "La propiedade intelectual e o direito antitrust" (Intellectual property and antitrust law), lecture in the Inter-department Graduate Course on Intellectual Property Management, Universidade federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis/Brazil, September 2008

  • "L’arbitrage et la loi de la concurrence" (Arbitration and antitrust law), lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Lausanne, May 2008

  • "El árbitro – su perfil, independencia e imparcialidad" (The arbitrator – his profile, independence and impartiality), lecture at the Faculty of Law, Universidad De Las Americas (UDLA), Mexico, April 2008

  • "Knacknüsse im Schnittfeld Kartell-/Immaterialgüterrecht" (Tricky issues in the interface between antitrust and intellectual property law), panel presentation at conference of Zurich Bar Association (Arbeitsgruppe Kartellrecht), September 2007

  • "15 Jahre Internet – Herausforderungen für das Urheberrecht?" (15 years internet – challenges to copyright law?), panel presentation at Europa Institut, University of Zurich, June 2007

  • "Introduction to International Commercial Arbitration", panel presentation at Georgetown University International Law Alumni Reunion, Paris, May 2007

  • "Verwertungsgesellschaften und Kartellrecht" (Copyright collective societies and antitrust law), speech before Annual Assembly of the Association of Swiss Copyright Users, Bern, May 2001